News & Insights Gaëtan Verhoosel to feature on...

Gaëtan Verhoosel to feature on international webinar discussing Arbitration and Regulatory Measures During COVID-19

Publications 22nd June 2020

Gaëtan Verhoosel, a partner in Three Crowns’ London office and a leading international arbitration practitioner, will be a featured panellist for a discussion on “Arbitration and Regulatory Measures During COVID-19.” The webinar will take place take place on Wednesday, 24 June, at 11:00 am Lima time (GMT -5). Given the critical importance and relevance of this topic to the international arbitration community, this webinar is co-organised by AmCham Peru, AmCham Ecuador, Centro Internacional de Conciliación y Arbitraje (CICA), and Centro Empresarial de Conciliación y Arbitraje (CEDCA).

Click HERE to register.


Drawing on a panel of internationally recognised jurists, this webinar will offer different perspectives on the possible investor-state disputes that may result from Emergency Measures taken by States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The panellists will discuss potential violations these measures may give rise to under private investor-State contracts and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). They will also tackle concepts such as force majeure and ‘state of necessity’ when considering the damage that may be caused to investors as a result of the regulatory or administrative measures implemented by a State during the exceptional situation of a pandemic or crisis, such as that generated by COVID-19.


Verhoosel has served as advocate and as arbitrator in a large number of both commercial and investment treaty arbitrations. These include many highly significant, widely reported matters with large financial recoveries at stake or novel legal issues involved.

Verhoosel is the Co-Chair of the IBA Arbitration Committee and was appointed to the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators by the Kingdom of Belgium. He teaches international investment law at King’s College School of Law in London.


Three Crowns is a firm committed to excellence in international arbitration and international law. Founded by practice leaders with decades of experience across many different international firms, it is regarded as “one of the premier arbitration practices in the world.” Its clients—including Fortune 10 companies and sovereign states—entrust the firm with their most important disputes.

During this challenging time, the Three Crowns team across the globe is here to listen to the issues you are facing and provide advice surrounding arbitration and disputes, whether directly related to COVID-19 or otherwise. Please do not hesitate to reach out to talk through ways we can help.