News & Insights Constantine Partasides QC appears at...

Constantine Partasides QC appears at the 22nd Annual IBA Arbitration Day

Publications 19th March 2019

On 15 March, Constantine Partasides QC spoke at the 22nd Annual IBA Arbitration Day which took place in Montreal, Canada.  The conference titled “Beyond the governing law: mandatory rules, lois de police, trade sanctions and other conflicts of law” discussed topics including: international trade sanctions; criticisms of the investment treaty system; and data protection, privacy, confidentiality and cybersecurity.

Constantine appeared on a panel discussing “Mandatory rules and lois de police” where he focused on the standard of proof that arbitrators should apply to allegations of corruption in international arbitration.

The conference was presented by the IBA Arbitration Committee, which has more than 3,000 members across the globe, and is a a leading standard-setter for the practice of international arbitration worldwide.  The IBA Arbitration Committee actively seeks to promote thought leadership, debate and dissemination of knowledge in the field of international arbitration through the organization of conferences, both global and regional.  The Committee is co-chaired by Three Crowns partner Gaëtan Verhoosel.